whether the coffee is useful for the health or vice versa  

Posted by kurniawan.q in

Scientific studies have examined the relationship between coffee consumption and an array of medical conditions. Findings have been contradictory as to whether coffee has any specific health benefits, and results are similarly conflicting regarding the potentially harmful effects of coffee consumption. Variations in findings, however, can be at least partially resolved by considering the method of preparation. Coffee prepared using paper filters removes oily components called diterpenes that are present in unfiltered coffee. Two types of diterpenes are present in coffee: kahweol and cafestol, both of which have been associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease via elevation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels in blood. Metal filters, on the other hand, do not remove the oily components of coffee.

In addition to differences in methods of preparation, conflicting data regarding serving size could partially explain differences between beneficial/harmful effects of coffee consumption. Prevention of multiple chronic diseases has been associated with coffee consumption ranging from one to ten cups[citation needed].

Coffee not only be useful to prevent drowsiness. A study proves, habits sipping a cup of coffee each day can prevent dementia.

Caffeine contained in coffee may improve brain abnormalities cause Alzheimer's disease or better known as senile.

Alzheimer's usually affects the elderly, the drugs would not be chosen too hard. Therefore, caffeine is considered the safest substances to be consumed by the elderly.

According to research conducted in the United States, caffeine is readily absorbed and fixed brain damaged areas in the brain.

The main cause of Alzheimer's is a blockage of a protein in the brain. Caffeine can dilute proteins that clog earlier. Alzheimer's disease can be prevented so.

But too much caffeine will also affect your heart rate. So that experts recommend to sip a cup of black coffee every day and no more.

Overview of the more common effects of caffeine, a main active component of coffee

Coffee consumption has been shown to have minimal or no impact, positive or negative, on cancer development;however, researchers involved in an ongoing 22-year study by the Harvard School of Public Health state that "the overall balance of risks and benefits [of coffee consumption] are on the side of benefits." Other studies suggest coffee consumption reduces the risk of being affected by Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, heart disease, diabetes mellitus type 2, cirrhosis of the liver, and gout. A longitudinal study in 2009 showed that those who consumed a moderate amount of coffee or tea (3–5 cups per day) at midlife were less likely to develop dementia and Alzheimer's disease in late-life compared with those who drank little coffee or avoided it altogether. It increases the risk of acid reflux and associated diseases. Most of coffee's beneficial effects against type 2 diabetes are not due to its caffeine content, as the positive effects of consumption are greater in those who drink decaffeinated coffee.The presence of antioxidants in coffee has been shown to prevent free radicals from causing cell damage.�

In a healthy liver, caffeine is mostly broken down by the hepatic microsomal enzymatic system. The resulting metabolites are mostly paraxanthines-theobromine and theophylline-and a small amount of unchanged caffeine is excreted by urine. Therefore, the metabolism of caffeine depends on the state of this enzymatic system of the liver. Elderly individuals with a depleted enzymatic system do not tolerate coffee with caffeine. They are recommended to take decaffeinated coffee, and this only if their stomach is healthy, because both decaffeinated coffee and coffee with caffeine cause heartburn. Moderate amounts of coffee (50–100 mg of caffeine or 5–10 g of coffee powder a day) are well tolerated by most elderly people. Excessive amounts of coffee, however, can, in many individuals, cause very unpleasant, exceptionally even life-threatening adverse effects.�

Coffee consumption can lead to iron deficiency anemia in mothers and infants.Coffee also interferes with the absorption of supplemental iron. Interference with iron absorption is due to the polyphenols present in coffee. Although the inhibition of iron absorption can cause an iron deficiency, iron is considered a carcinogen in relation to the liver and can increase risks of hepatocellular carcinoma, more commonly known as liver cancer. Polyphenols contained in coffee are therefore associated with decreasing the risk of liver cancer development.

American scientist Yaser Dorri has suggested that the smell of coffee can restore appetite and refresh olfactory receptors. He suggests that people can regain their appetite after cooking by smelling coffee beans, and that this method can also be used for research animals.�

Over 1,000 chemicals have been reported in roasted coffee; more than half of those tested (19/28) are rodent carcinogens.Coffee also contains healthful chemicals, including polyphenols (chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid), as well as diterpenes (kahweol and cafestol). Coffee's negative health effects are often blamed on its caffeine content. Research suggests that drinking caffeinated coffee can cause a temporary increase in the stiffening of arterial walls. Caffeinated coffee is not recommended for everybody. It may aggravate preexisting conditions such as gastroesophageal reflux disease, migraines, arrhythmias, and cause sleep disturbances.�

Coffee is no longer thought to be a risk factor for coronary heart disease. One study suggests that it may have a mixed effect on short-term memory, by improving it when the information to be recalled is related to the current train of thought but making it more difficult to recall unrelated information. Caffeine has been associated with its ability to act as an antidepressant. A review by de Paulis and Martin indicated a link between a decrease in suicide rates and coffee consumption, and suggested that the action of caffeine in blocking the inhibitory effects of adenosine on dopamine nerves in the brain reduced feelings of depression.A 1992 study concluded that about 10% of people with a moderate daily intake (235 mg per day) experienced increased depression and anxiety when caffeine was withdrawn,but a 2002 review of the literature criticised its methodology and concluded that "the effects of caffeine withdrawal are still controversial." About 15% of the U.S. general population report having stopped drinking coffee altogether, citing concern about health and unpleasant side effects of caffeine.
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Posted by kurniawan.q in

Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba; in Chinese and Japanese , pinyin romanization: y�n x�ng, Hepburn romanization: ichō or ginnan), also spelled gingko, also known as the Maidenhair Tree after Adiantum, is a unique species of tree with no close living relatives. The ginkgo is classified in its own division, the Ginkgophyta, comprising the single class Ginkgoopsida, order Ginkgoales, family Ginkgoaceae, genus Ginkgo and is the only extant species within this group. It is one of the best-known examples of a living fossil, because Ginkgoales other than G. biloba are not known from the fossil record after the Pliocene.

For centuries it was thought to be extinct in the wild, but is now known to grow in at least two small areas in Zhejiang province in Eastern China, in the Tian Mu Shan Reserve. However, recent studies indicate high genetic uniformity among ginkgo trees from these areas, arguing against a natural origin of these populations and suggesting that the ginkgo trees in these areas may have been planted and preserved by Chinese monks over a period of about 1000 years. Whether native ginkgo populations still exist has not been demonstrated unequivocally.

The relationship of Ginkgo to other plant groups remains uncertain. It has been placed loosely in the divisions Spermatophyta and Pinophyta, but no consensus has been reached. Since Ginkgo seeds are not protected by an ovary wall, it can morphologically be considered a gymnosperm. The apricot-like structures produced by female ginkgo trees are technically not fruits, but are seeds that have a shell that consists of a soft and fleshy section (the sarcotesta), and a hard section (the sclerotesta).

Ginkgos are very large trees, normally reaching a height of 20–35 m (66–115 feet), with some specimens in China being over 50 m (164 feet). The tree has an angular crown and long, somewhat erratic branches, and is usually deep rooted and resistant to wind and snow damage. Young trees are often tall and slender, and sparsely branched; the crown becomes broader as the tree ages. During autumn, the leaves turn a bright yellow, then fall, sometimes within a short space of time (1–15 days). A combination of resistance to disease, insect-resistant wood and the ability to form aerial roots and sprouts makes ginkgos long-lived, with some specimens claimed to be more than 2,500 years old.

Ginkgo is a relatively shade-intolerant species that (at least in cultivation) grows best in environments that are well-watered and well-drained. The species shows a preference for disturbed sites; in the "semi-wild" stands at Tian Mu Shan, many specimens are found along stream banks, rocky slopes, and cliff edges. Accordingly, Ginkgo retains a prodigious capacity for vegetative growth. It is capable of sprouting from embedded buds near the base of the trunk (lignotubers, or basal chi chi) in response to disturbances, such as soil erosion. Old individuals are also capable of producing aerial roots (chi chi) on the undersides of large branches in response to disturbances such as crown damage; these roots can lead to successful clonal reproduction upon contacting the soil. These strategies are evidently important in the persistence of Ginkgo; in a survey of the "semi-wild" stands remaining in Tian Mu Shan, 40% of the Ginkgo specimens surveyed were multi-stemmed, and few saplings were present.

Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) is one of the oldest living tree species and its leaves are among the most extensively studied botanicals in use today. In Europe and the United States, ginkgo supplements are among the best-selling herbal medications. It consistently ranks as a top medicine prescribed in France and Germany.

Ginkgo has been used in traditional medicine to treat circulatory disorders and enhance memory. Scientific studies throughout the years have found evidence to support these uses. Although not all studies agree, ginkgo may be especially effective in treating dementia (including Alzheimer's disease) and intermittent claudication (poor circulation in the legs). It also shows promise for enhancing memory in older adults. Laboratory studies have shown that ginkgo improves blood circulation by dilating blood vessels and reducing the stickiness of blood platelets.

Ginkgo leaves contain two types of chemicals (flavonoids and terpenoids) believed to have potent antioxidant properties. Antioxidants are substances that scavenge free radicals -- compounds in the body that damage cell membranes, tamper with DNA, and even cause cell death. Free radicals occur naturally in the body and grow in number as we age. But environmental toxins (including ultraviolet light, radiation, cigarette smoking, and air pollution) can also increase the number of free radicals. Free radicals are believed to contribute to health problems including heart disease and cancer as well as Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. Antioxidants such as those found in ginkgo can help neutralize free radicals and may reduce or even help prevent some of the damage they cause.
Plant Description:

Ginkgo biloba is the oldest living tree species. A single tree can live as long as 1,000 years and grow to a height of 120 feet. It has short branches with fan-shaped leaves and inedible fruits that produce a strong odor. The fruit contains an inner seed, and there has been a report of a human poisoning from ingesting the seed. Ginkgos are tough, hardy trees and are sometimes planted along urban streets in the United States.

Although Chinese herbal medicine has used both the ginkgo leaf and seed for thousands of years, modern research has focused on the standardized Ginkgo biloba extract (GBE), which is prepared from the dried green leaves. This standardized extract is highly concentrated and seems to be clinically more effective in treating health problems (particularly circulatory ailments) than the non-standardized leaf alone.
What's It Made Of?:

More than 40 components isolated from the ginkgo tree have been identified, but only two are believed to be responsible for the herb's medicinal effects: flavonoids and terpenoids. Flavonoids are plant-based antioxidants. Laboratory and animal studies have shown that flavonoids protect the nerves, heart muscle, blood vessels, and retina from damage. Terpenoids (such as ginkgolides) improve blood flow by dilating blood vessels and reducing the stickiness of platelets.
Medicinal Uses and Indications:

Based on studies conducted in laboratories, animals, and humans, gingko is used for the following:

Dementia and Alzheimer's disease

Ginkgo is widely used in Europe for treating dementia. It was used originally because it improves blood flow to the brain. Now further study suggests it may work directly to protect nerve cells that are damaged in Alzheimer's disease. A number of studies have found that gingko has a positive effect on memory and thinking in people with Alzheimer's or vascular dementia.

Clinical studies suggest that ginkgo may provide the following benefits for people with Alzheimer's disease:
Improvement in thinking, learning, and memory (cognitive function)
Improvement in activities of daily living
Improvement in social behavior
Fewer feelings of depression

Several studies have found that ginkgo may be as effective as prescription Alzheimer's medications in delaying the symptoms of dementia.

However, one of the longest and best-designed studies found ginkgo was no better than placebo in reducing Alzheimer's symptoms. In a 2008 study, 176 people in the United Kingdom with Alzheimer's took either ginkgo or placebo for 6 months. At the end of the study there was no difference in cognitive function or quality of life between the groups.

Ginkgo is sometimes suggested to prevent Alzheimer's and dementia, as well, and some studies have suggested it might be helpful. But in 2008, a well-designed study (the GEM study) with more than 3,000 elderly participants found the ginkgo was no better than placebo in preventing dementia or Alzheimer's.

Intermittent Claudication

Because ginkgo improves blood flow, it has been studied in people with intermittent claudication (pain caused by reduced blood flow to the legs). People with intermittent claudication have a hard time walking without feeling extreme pain. An analysis of eight published studies revealed that people taking ginkgo tend to walk roughly 34 meters farther than those taking placebo. In fact, ginkgo has been shown to be as effective as a prescription medication in improving pain-free walking distance. However, regular walking exercises are more beneficial than ginkgo in improving walking distance.


One small study found that people with glaucoma who took 120 mg of ginkgo daily for 8 weeks had improvements in their vision.

Memory Enhancement

Ginkgo is widely touted as a "brain herb." It has been studied to see whether it can improve memory in people with dementia, and some studies found it did help. It's less clear whether ginkgo helps improve memory in healthy people who experience normal memory loss that comes with age. Some studies have found slight benefits, while other studies have found no effect on memory. The most effective dose seems to be greater than or equal to 240 mg per day. Ginkgo is commonly added to nutrition bars, soft drinks, and fruit smoothies to boost memory and enhance cognitive performance, although it's doubtful that such small amounts of gingko would be effective.

Macular Degeneration

The flavonoids found in ginkgo may help stop or lessen some retinal problems (problems with the back part of the eye). Macular degeneration (often called age-related macular degeneration or ARMD) is an eye disease that affects the retina. It is a progressive, degenerative eye disease that tends to affect older adults and is the number one cause of blindness in the United States. Some studies suggest that gingko may help preserve vision in those with ARMD.


Nerve damage and certain blood vessel disorders can lead to tinnitus (ringing, hissing, or other sound in the ears or head when no external sound is present). Because ginkgo improves circulation, it has been studied to see whether it can treat tinnitus. A few poorly designed studies found it might moderately relieve the loudness of the tinnitus sound. However, a well-designed study including 1,121 people with tinnitus found that ginkgo (taken 3 times daily for 3 months) was no more effective than placebo in relieving symptoms of tinnitus. In general, tinnitus is a very difficult problem to treat.


A standardized ginkgo extract was reported to significantly improve functional measures (such as coordination, energy level, strength, mental performance, mood, and sensation) in 22 people with multiple sclerosis (MS).
Available Forms:
Standardized extracts containing 24 - 32% flavonoids (also known as flavone glycosides or heterosides) and 6 - 12% terpenoids (triterpene lactones)
Liquid extracts (tinctures, fluid extracts, glycerites)
Dried leaf for teas
How to Take It:


Ginkgo is not generally used in children.


Initial results often take 4 - 6 weeks, but should grow stronger beyond that period.

Memory impairment and cardiovascular function: Generally, 120 mg daily in divided doses, standardized to contain 24 - 32% flavone glycosides (flavonoids or heterosides) and 6 - 12% triterpene lactones (terpenoids). If more serious dementia or Alzheimer's disease is present, up to 240 mg daily, in 2 or 3 divided doses, may be necessary.

Intermittent claudication: 120 - 240 mg per day

The use of herbs is a time-honored approach to strengthening the body and treating disease. Herbs, however, contain components that can trigger side effects and interact with other herbs, supplements, or medications. For these reasons, herbs should be taken with care, under the supervision of a health care provider qualified in the field of botanical medicine.

GBE is generally considered to be safe, and side effects are rare. In a few cases, gastrointestinal upset, headaches, skin reactions, and dizziness were reported.

There have been a number of reports of internal bleeding in people who take ginkgo. However, it is not clear whether ginkgo was responsible or whether there was another cause (whether a combination of ginkgo and blood-thinning drugs caused the bleeding, for example). One human study found that ginkgo significantly prolonged bleeding time when given along with cilostazol (Pletal), a commonly used blood-thinner. However, other studies found that gingko combined with warfarin (Coumadin) did not prolong bleeding time. Because of the uncertainty, you should ask your doctor before taking gingko if you also take blood-thinning drugs.

If you take gingko, you should stop taking it at least 36 hours prior to surgery or dental procedures due to the risk of bleeding complications. Tell your doctor or dentist that you take gingko.

People who have epilepsy should not take gingko, because there is concern that it might cause seizures.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not take gingko.

Do not eat Ginkgo biloba fruit or seed.
Possible Interactions:

Ginkgo may alter the metabolism and effectiveness of some prescription and non-prescription medications. If you are being treated with any of the following medications, you should not use ginkgo without first talking to your health care provider:

Anticonvulsant medications -- High doses of ginkgo could make drugs to control seizures, such as carbamazepine (Tegretol) or valproic acid (Depakote), less effective.

Antidepressants -- Taking ginkgo along with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRIs) antidepressants may increase the risk of serotonin syndrome, a potentially fatal condition. Ginkgo may enhance the effects (both good and bad) of antidepressant medications known as MAOIs, such as phenelzine (Nardil). SSRIs include:
Citalopram (Celexa)
Escitalopram (Lexapro)
Fluoxetine (Prozac)
Fluvoxamine (Luvox)
Paroxetine (Paxil)
Sertraline (Zoloft)

Antihypertensive (blood pressure) medications -- Ginkgo may lower blood pressure. For that reason, if you take medication to lower your blood pressure you should ask your doctor before taking gingko. There has been a report of an interaction between ginkgo and nifedipine (Procardia), a calcium channel blocker used for blood pressure and arrhythmias.

Blood-thinning medications -- Ginkgo has blood-thinning properties and should not be used if you are taking anticoagulant (blood-thinning) medications. There has been bleeding in the brain reported when using a ginkgo product and ibuprofen (Advil), a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). Blood-thinners include:
Clopidogrel (Plavix)
Warfarin (Coumadin)

Medications to lower blood sugar -- Ginkgo may increase insulin levels in healthy subjects and decrease insulin levels in people with diabetes. If you have diabetes, you should not use gingko without first talking to your doctor.

Cylosporine -- Ginkgo biloba may help protect the cells of the body during treatment with the drug cyclosporine, which suppresses the immune system.

Thiazide diuretics(water pills) -- There is one report of a person who took a thiazide diuretic and gingko experiencing high blood pressure. If you take thiazide diuretics, ask your doctor before taking gingko.

Trazodone -- There is one report of an elderly Alzheimer's patient going into a coma after taking ginkgo and trazodone (Desyrel), an antidepressant medication.
Alternative Names:

Fossil tree; Kew tree; Maiden hair tree
Reviewed last on: 3/26/2009
Steven D. Ehrlich, NMD, private practice specializing in complementary and alternative medicine, Phoenix, AZ. Review provided by VeriMed Healthcare Network.
Supporting Research

Adams LL, Gatchel RJ, Gentry C. Complementary and alternative medicine: applications and implications for cognitive functioning in elderly populations. Altern Ther HealthMed. 2001;7(2):52-61.

Aruna D, Naidu MU.Pharmacodynamic interaction studies of Ginkgo biloba with cilostazol and clopidogrel in healthy human subjects. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2006 Sep 29; [Epub ahead of print].

Ashton, A. K., Ahrens, K., Gupta, S., and Masand, P. S. Antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction and Ginkgo Biloba. Am J Psychiatry. 2000;157(5):836-837.

Benjamin J, Muir T, Briggs K, Pentland B. A case of cerebral haemorrhage-can Ginkgo biloba be implicated? Postgrad Med J. 2001;77(904):112-113.

Birks J, Grimley Evans J. Ginkgo biloba for cognitive impairment and dementia. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2009 Jan 21;(1):CD003120. Review.

Bridi, R., Crossetti, F. P., Steffen, V. M., and Henriques, A. T. The antioxidant activity of standardized extract of Ginkgo biloba (EGb 761) in rats. Phytother Res 2001;15(5):449-451.

Cheuvront, S. N. and Carter, R., III. Ginkgo and memory. JAMA. 2-5-2003;289(5):547-548.

Christen Y. Oxidative stress and Alzheimer's disease. Am J Clin Nutr. 2000;71(suppl):621S-629S.

Choi WS, Choi CJ, Kim KS, Lee JH, Song CH, Chung JH, et al. To compare the efficacy and safety of nifedipine sustained release with Ginkgo biloba extract to treat patients with primary Raynaud's phenomenon in South Korea; Korean Raynaud study (KOARA study). Clin Rheumatol. 2009 Jan 22. [Epub ahead of print]

Cieza, A., Maier, P., and Poppel, E. Effects of Ginkgo biloba on mental functioning in healthy volunteers. Arch Med Res. 2003;34(5):373-381.

Davydov L and Stirling AL. Stevens-Johnson syndrome with Ginkgo biloba. J Herbal Pharmacother. 2001;1(3):65-69.

DeKosky ST, Williamson JD, Fitzpatrick AL, Kronmal RA, Ives DG, Saxton JA, et al; Ginkgo Evaluation of Memory (GEM) Study Investigators. Ginkgo biloba for prevention of dementia: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 2008 Nov 19;300(19):2253-62. Erratum in: JAMA. 2008 Dec 17;300(23):2730.

Diamond BJ, Shiflett SC, Feiwel N, et al. Ginkgo biloba extract: mechanisms and clinical indications. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2000;81:669-678.

Drew S, Davies E. Effectiveness of Ginkgo biloba in treating tinnitus: double blind, placebo controlled trial. BMJ. 2001;322(7278):73.

Engelsen, J., Nielsen, J. D., and Hansen, K. F. [Effect of Coenzyme Q10 and Ginkgo biloba on warfarin dosage in patients on long-term warfarin treatment. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled cross-over trial]. Ugeskr.Laeger. 4-28-2003;165(18):1868-1871.

Ernst E. The risk-benefit profile of commonly used herbal therapies: ginkgo, St. John's wort, ginseng, echinacea, saw palmetto, and kava. Ann Intern Med. 2002;136:42-53.

Fong, K. C. and Kinnear, P. E. Retrobulbar haemorrhage associated with chronic Gingko biloba ingestion. Postgrad.Med.J. 2003;79(935):531-532.

Galluzzi S, Zanetti O, Binetti G, Trabucchi M, Frisoni GB. Coma in a patient with Alzheimer's disease taking low dose trazodone and Ginkgo biloba. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2000;68:679-683.

Hartley, D. E., Elsabagh, S., and File, S. E. Gincosan (a combination of Ginkgo biloba and Panax ginseng): the effects on mood and cognition of 6 and 12 weeks' treatment in post-menopausal women. Nutr Neurosci. 2004;7(5-6):325-333.

Hilton, M. and Stuart, E. Ginkgo biloba for tinnitus. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2004;(2):CD003852.

Horsch, S. and Walther, C. Ginkgo biloba special extract EGb 761 in the treatment of peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD)--a review based on randomized, controlled studies. Int.J Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2004;42(2):63-72.

Huang, S. Y., Jeng, C., Kao, S. C., Yu, J. J., and Liu, D. Z. Improved haemorrheological properties by Ginkgo biloba extract (Egb 761) in type 2 diabetes mellitus complicated with retinopathy. Clin.Nutr. 2004;23(4):615-621.

Johnson SK, Diamond BJ, Rausch S, Kaufman M, Shiflett SC, Graves L. The effect of Ginkgo biloba on functional measures in multiple sclerosis: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Explore (NY). 2006;2(1):19-24.

Kampman, K., Majewska, M. D., Tourian, K., et al., A pilot trial of piracetam and ginkgo biloba for the treatment of cocaine dependence. Addict Behav. 2003;28(3):437-448.

Kenney C, Norman M, Jacobson M, and et al. A double-blind, placebo-controlled, modified crossover pilot study of the effects of Ginkgo biloba on cognitive and functional abilities in multiple sclerosis. American Academy of Neurology 54th Annual Meeting. April 13-20 2002;P06.081.

Kim YS, Pyo MK, Park KM, et al. Antiplatelet and antithrombotic effects of a combination of ticlopidine and Ginkgo biloba ext (EGb 761). Thromb Res. 1998;91:33-38.

Kohler, S., Funk, P., and Kieser, M. Influence of a 7-day treatment with Ginkgo biloba special extract EGb 761 on bleeding time and coagulation: a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study in healthy volunteers. Blood Coagul.Fibrinolysis. 2004;15(4):303-309.

LaValle JB, Krinsky DL, Hawkins EB, et al. Natural Therapeutics Pocket Guide. Hudson, OH: LexiComp; 2000:441-442.

Le Bars PL, Kieser M, Itil KZ. A 26-week analysis of a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of the Ginkgo biloba extract EGb761 in dementia. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2000;11:230-237.

Mantle D, Pickering AT, Perry AK. Medicinal plant extracts for the treatment of dementia: a review of their pharmacology, efficacy and tolerability. CNS Drugs. 2000;13:201-213.

Mauro, V. F., Mauro, L. S., Kleshinski, J. F., Khuder, S. A., Wang, Y., and Erhardt, P. W. Impact of ginkgo biloba on the pharmacokinetics of digoxin. Am.J Ther 2003;10(4):247-251.

May BH, Lit M, Xue CC, Yang AW, Zhang AL, Owens MD, et al. Herbal medicine for dementia: a systematic review. Phytother Res. 2008 Dec 11;23(4):447-459.

May BH, Yang AW, Zhang AL, Owens MD, Bennett L, Head R, et al. Chinese herbal medicine for Mild Cognitive Impairment and Age Associated Memory Impairment: a review of randomised controlled trials. Biogerontology. 2009 Apr;10(2):109-23. Epub 2008 Aug 21.

Mazza M, Capuano A, Bria P, Mazza S. Ginkgo biloba and donepezil: a comparison in the treatment of Alzheimer's dementia in a randomized placebo-controlled double-blind study. Eur J Neurol. 2006;13(9):981-5.

McCarney R, Fisher P, Iliffe S, van Haselen R, Griffin M, van der Meulen J, Warner J. Ginkgo biloba for mild to moderate dementia in a community setting: a pragmatic, randomised, parallel-group, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2008 Dec;23(12):1222-30.

Meisel, C., Johne, A., and Roots, I. Fatal intracerebral mass bleeding associated with Ginkgo biloba and ibuprofen. Atherosclerosis. 2003;167(2):367.

Moher D, Pham B, Ausejo M, Saenz A, Hood S, Barber GG. Pharmacological management of intermittent claudication: a meta-analysis of randomised trials. Drugs. 2000;59(5):1057-1070.

Nathan, P. J., Harrison, B. J., and Bartholomeusz, C. Ginkgo and memory. JAMA. 2-5-2003;289(5):546-548.

Oh SM, Chung KH. Antiestrogenic activities of Ginkgo biloba extracts. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2006;100(4-5):167-76.

Persson, J., Bringlov, E., Nilsson, L. G., and Nyberg, L. The memory-enhancing effects of Ginseng and Ginkgo biloba in healthy volunteers. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 2004;172(4):430-434.

Pittler MH, Ernst E. Ginkgo biloba extract for the treatment of intermittent claudication: a meta-analysis of randomized trials. Am J Med. 2000;108(4):276-281.

Schneider LS, DeKosky ST, Farlow MR, Tariot PN, Hoerr R, Kieser M. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of two doses of Ginkgo biloba extract in dementia of the Alzheimer's type. Curr Alzheimer Res. 2005;2(5):541-51.

Trick, L., Boyle, J., and Hindmarch, I. The effects of Ginkgo biloba extract (LI 1370) supplementation and discontinuation on activities of daily living and mood in free living older volunteers. Phytother Res. 2004;18(7):531-537.

Van Dongen, M., van Rossum, E., Kessels, A., Sielhorst, H., and Knipschild, P. Ginkgo for elderly people with dementia and age-associated memory impairment: a randomized clinical trial. J Clin Epidemiol. 2003;56(4):367-376.

Vellas, B., and Grandjean, H. Association of Alzheimer's disease onset with ginkgo biloba and other symptomatic cognitive treatments in a population of women aged 75 years and older from the EPIDOS study. J Gerontol A Biol.Sci.Med Sci. 2003;58(4):372-377.
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Posted by kurniawan.q in

Chocolate comes from the fermented, roasted, and ground beans of the cacao or cocoa tree. The word "Chocolate" comes form the Nahualt language of the Aztecs. The Nahualt word xocolatl means bitter water. The pre-Columbian peoples of the Americans drank chocolate mixed with vanilla, chile pepper, and achiote. Europeans sweetened it by adding sugar and milk and removing the chile pepper. They later created a process to make solid chocolate creating the modern chocolate bar. Although cocoa is originally from the Americas, today Western Africa produces almost two-thirds of the world´s cocoa, with Côte d´Ivoire growing almost half of it. Today, it is one of the most popular and recognizable flavors in the world. There are many foods that contain chocolate such as chocolate bars, candy, ice cream,cookies, cakes, pies, chocolate mousse, and other desserts.

history of Chocolate:
1500 BC-400 BC
The Olmec Indians are believed to be the first to grow cocoa beans as a domestic crop.
250 to 900 CE
The consumption of cocoa beans was restricted to the Mayan society's elite, in the form of an unsweetened cocoa drink made from the ground beans.
AD 600
Mayans migrate into northern regions of South America establishing earliest known cocoa plantations in the Yucatan.
14th Century
The drink became popular among the Aztec upper classes who upsurped the cocoa beverage from the Mayans and were the first to tax the beans. The Aztecs called it "xocalatl" meaning warm or bitter liquid.
Columbus encountered a great Mayan trading canoe in Guanaja carrying cocoa beans as cargo.
Spanish explorer Hernando Cortez recorded the cocoa usage in the court of Emperor Montezuma.
Dominican friars took a delegation of Kekchi Mayan nobels to visit Prince Philip of Spain. The Mayans brought gift jars of beaten cocoa , mixed and ready to drink. Spain and Portugal did not export the beloved drink to the rest of Eurpoe for nearly a century.
16th Century Europe
The Spanish began to add cane sugar and flavorings such as vanilla to their sweet cocoa beverages.
Cocoa gained popularity as a medicine and aphrodisiac.
First official shipments of cocoa beans began arriving in Seville from Vera Cruz, Mexico.
The first chocolate house was opened in London by a Frenchman. The shop was called the The Coffee Mill and Tobacco Roll. Costing 10 to 15 shillings per pound, chocolate was considered a beverage for the elite class.
Eating solid chocolate was introduced in the form of chocolate rolls and cakes, served in chocolate emporiums.
Cocoa beans had dropped in price from $3 per lb. to being within the financial reach of those other than the very wealthy.
French inventor, Monsieur Dubuisson invented a table mill for grinding cocoa beans.
Swedish naturalist, Carolus Linnaeus was dissatisfied with the word "cocoa," so renamed it "theobroma," Greek for "food of the gods."
Chocolate was introduced to the United States when Irish chocolate-maker John Hanan imported cocoa beans from the West Indies into Dorchester, Massachusetts, to refine them with the help of American Dr. James Baker. The pair soon after built America's first chocolate mill and by 1780, the mill was making the famous BAKER'S ® chocolate.
Dr. Joseph Fry of Bristol, England, employed a steam engine for grinding cocoa beans, an invention that led to the manufacture of chocolate on a large factory scale.
Antoine Brutus Menier built the first industrial manufacturing facility for chocolate.
The pioneer of Swiss chocolate-making, François Louis Callier, opened the first swiss chocolate factory.
The invention of the cocoa press, by Conrad Van Houten, helped cut prices and improve the quality of chocolate by squeezing out some of the cocoa butter and giving the beverage a smoother consistency. Conrad Van Houten patented his invention in Amsterdam and his alkalizing process became known as "Dutching". Several years earlier, Van Houten was the first to add alkaline salts to powdered cocoa to make it mix better with water.
A form of solid eating chocolate was developed by Joseph Fry & Sons, a British chocolate maker.
Joseph Fry & Son discovered a way to mix some of the cocoa butter back into the "Dutched" chocolate, and added sugar, creating a paste that could be molded. The result was the first modern chocolate bar.
Joseph Fry & Son and Cadbury Brothers displayed chocolates for eating at an exhibition in Bingley Hall, Birmingham, England.
Prince Albert's Exposition in London was the first time that Americans were introduced to bonbons, chocolate creams, hand candies (called "boiled sweets"), and caramels.
Richard Cadbury created the first known heart-shaped candy box for Valentine's Day.
John Cadbury mass-marketed the first boxes of chocolate candies.
Daniel Peter of Vevey, Switzerland, experimented for eight years before finally inventing a means of making milk chocolate for eating.
Daniel Peter and Henri Nestlé joined together to form the Nestlé Company.
Rodolphe Lindt of Berne, Switzerland, produced a more smooth and creamy chocolate that melted on the tongue. He invented the "conching" machine. To conch meant to heat and roll chocolate in order to refine it. After chocolate had been conched for seventy-two hours and had more cocoa butter added to it, it was possible to create chocolate "fondant" and other creamy forms of chocolate.
The first known published recipe for chocolate brownies appeared in the Sears and Roebuck Catalogue.
Canadian, Arthur Ganong marketed the first nickel chocolate bar. William Cadbury urged several English and American companies to join him in refusing to buy cacao beans from plantations with poor labor conditions.
Swiss confiseur Jules Sechaud of Montreux introduced a machine process for manufacturing filled chocolates.
Belgian chocolatier, Joseph Draps starts the Godiva Company to compete with Hershey's and Nestle's American market.
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Posted by kurniawan.q in

You may often underestimate the melon you eat. In fact, cheap fruit that contains many unusual properties as disease prevention. Approximately 95% of meat contains water melon, which can give a sense of cool and soothing effect. Because the character of refreshing melon can relieve heartburn in the stomach. Melon contains vitamin A, B and C and contains protein, calcium and phosphorus. Mineral content in melon can even remove the acidity and the body has healing properties constipation. The acidity of the body should be removed because it would interfere with digestion, especially in the stomach organ.

Melon Nutritional was 15.00 mg of calcium; 25.00 mg of phosphorus; 0.5 mg iron; 34 mg vitamin C, 640 mg IU Vitamin A; and 0.03 mg of Vitamin B1. Melon contains an anticoagulant called adenosine, which could stop the clotting of blood cells that can lead to stroke or heart disease. Meanwhile, the carotenoid content high melon can prevent cancer and reduce the risk of lung cancer because it is the main compound attackers cancer.

The melon has a very good diuretic that can cure kidney disease and severe eczema disease and acute. When combined with lemon, it can crush the melon uric acid diseases. So you'll want to eat the melon on a regular basis once a day in the morning.

Upshot: melon benefits for the health of our bodies are:

  • As an anticancer.

  • Exhaust system helps to prevent constipation.

  • Reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

  • Prevent blood clotting.

  • Reduce the risk of kidney disease.

  • Eczema cure.

  • Prevent and cure heartburn.
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Frist Award  

Posted by kurniawan.q in

Great love is when we cry and still care about him no enmity
do good to others
can still smile I'm happy
nineta friend thanks for his award
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Roast turkey instant  

Posted by kurniawan.q

want to know how to make roast turkey with virtually no heat and no turkey pot curious
check here
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5 How to Make a Blog "Money Machine"  

Posted by kurniawan.q in

Dear all friends.

Often there are questions that arise from my friends all about whether the blog could make money? And if you can, how to make money from blogs?

And the answer is: very, very able to blog to become a "money machine". For myself, the blog is one of the most important online business that I have.

Therefore, if you're up to now have never felt make money from blogs, make haste to create a blog of your own. Free, only on Blogspot.com list

So now, how do your own blog can make money? The answer is, there are many ways to make money from your blog. But at this article I will explain only about 5 way (business model) I used the main use for making money from blogs.

And of course, this means you can copy as well

Here are the ways:

  • Blog for selling Affiliate products. This business model is my favorite for business blogging. With this business model, you need to do is to sell / promote affiliate products on your blog. Later from each sale, you will get a commission from the product owner.

  • Blog publisher. The following business model, that model is general enough to encompass the money made from the blog, by a publisher (a publisher's ads) from a specific ad network. You can try to put Adsense ads on your blog, or also if you want a local, be a publisher 

  • Blog Products. A business model that takes advantage of media blogs as a promotional event. For those of you who have the product in the offline world, you can use blogs to market your product. I personally sold some health products through one of my own blog.

  • Blog Service. If the business model of this one is by using blogs to sell your services. My advice if you pursue this business model, sell services that can be purchased by anyone and from anywhere, so you no trouble when there are customers from remote regions.

    Blog Network. The latter, is to make the business of network of blogs that you create can sendiri.Anda try to make the blog traffic and mensupplai mutually supporting each lai.

My advice, as best I could choose the last business model, ie you have a lot of blogs with a variety of different sources of income. "Rules of the game" are common, the more sources of your income, then you will be more profit and more secure, from a financial aspect.

OK much for it, hopefully useful. Do not forget to fill your comment, if you feel this psoting useful. To your success, and the people you love!

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Honey mmmmmm  

Posted by kurniawan.q in

Honey is a food that contains various nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, dextrins, of pigments Aromatic plants and components. Even the results of nutrition research and food experts, honey contains high carbohydrates among most other livestock products of milk, eggs, meat, cheese and menterga around (82.3% higher) Every 100 grams of pure honey is worth 294 calories or grams of honey in 1000 comparisons equivalent pure 50 chicken eggs or 5.675 liters of milk or 1680 grams of meat. From the results of a recent study found substances or compounds in honey are very complex reaching 181 species.

Benefits of honey has been known since ancient Egyptian times. Even Queen Cleopatra has been used for health and beauty care.
In addition honey is also used for embalming herbs (embalming) to preserve Mummi Kings of Ancient Egypt.
The Japanese tradition is to drink honey every night to wake up fresh and healthy.

One of the unique honey is because honey contains antibiotic substances. This was the result of research Peter C Molan (1992), researchers from the Department of Biological Sciences, University of Waikoto, New Zealand. According to Honey contains proven antibiotic substance active against the attack of disease-causing pathogens.

In addition, researchers from the Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya in Malaysia, Kamaruddin (1997) also mentions that the honey contained in the anti-microbial substances, which can inhibit the disease.

Some infectious diseases by various pathogens that can be prevented and cured with honey drink on a regular basis include: respiratory infections over (ISPA), cough, fever, ulcer wound diseases, gastrointestinal infections, skin diseases.

Along with the increasing development of science and technology, it is often also used for crime. Such as falsification of honey, namely by mixing the original with a little honey or sugar cane red and citric acid added to a sense of acid and enzymes to create an impression.

In addition there is wrong view or wrong about the quality of honey. Some consider that a good honeymoon is the cause of the explosion when the lid is open or not in kerumuni ants. Indeed, it has been damaged honey fermented by enzymes and leads to the occurrence of gas and alcohol that is why the ants do not want to approach him.

At this time the public is more familiar with Arabian Honey, Honey Honey Borneo or Sumbawa. Though the quality of honey depends on nectar from flowers sucked by the bees. So that a common naming convention is known today is no longer just a place of origin is produced as mentioned above, but the origin of nectar as Honey Flower Honey (Ceiba petandra), Honey Flower Coffee (Coffea arabica), Honey Flower Klengkeng (longana Euphoria sp), Honey Flower Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum), Honey various types of flowers (Flower Mix), Honey Flower Durian (Durio sp), Honey Flower Coconut (Cocos nucifera), etc.. Each variety of honey from this plant species has a distinctive aroma and efficacy of different.

Honey Ingredients:
Honey has a chemical component which has the effect of acetylcholine koligemik. Acetylcholine serves to launch mengurango circulation and blood pressure. Sugar found in honey will be absorbed directly by the blood to produce energy rapidly when compared with regular sugar.
Besides the high sugar content (41.0% fructose; glucose 35%; sucrose 1.9%) of honey also contain other components such as pollen and other digestive enzymes. Besides, honey also contains many vitamins
such as vitamins A, B1, B2, minerals such as calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron, iodine salt is even radium. Besides honey also contain antibiotics and other organic acids such as malate acid, tartaric, citric, laklat, and oxalate. Therefore extremely high honey Khasiatnya.

Types of Honey:
The quality of honey is generally determined from the origin of flowers such as Flower Mix (various forest flowers), Honey Klengkeng flower, flowers Coffee Honey, Honey Flower Rambutan, Honey etc. Kapok flower.
Based on the research information the sweetest honey from flower nectar Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum).
Based on the research and the research that has been done by experts in the field of Biology, Chemistry and Medicine. proved honey has benefits and efficacy of many people's lives, including:

Efficacy and Honey Benefits:
Honey can be consumed by all levels, from fetus to parents.
1. Fetus: Honey can strengthen a weak fetus in the womb (uterus).
2. Pregnant women: Honey helps maintain stamina and health of the baby during pregnancy, and help high nutrient intake for the healthy growth of the fetus in the womb during
3. Infants: Helping a baby's brain development, because every day the brain continues to develop until the age of 5 years. For that he needs a high nutrition. Growth and brain development are strongly associated with thoughts of intelligence (IQ) and mental intelligence (EQ). This can be seen at present additional various food products either milk or baby porridge in formulated with honey as Dancow, Frisian Flag, Sustagen, etc. For that reason we do not have to give our baby the best, namely honey.
4. The children: helping to increase your appetite (the elements of a complete vitamin B in honey), so that children grow up healthy, lively and cheerful and disease resistant. (H. Mohamad, 2002)
5. Teenagers: Benefits of honey on teenagers make baligh legally grow very fast, good nutrition and regular will make a perfect body growth.
6. Adults: Level of fatigue and job stress accumulated result so that the body becomes weak and susceptible to disease. In this case the factory workers who worked hard all day long (long shift) without sufficient nutrient-prone diseases such as thypus infected, inflammation, and other bacterial infections in this case the Honey is the best supplement.
7. Seniors: Honey is the best food that is necessary for the elderly, because honey is a source of energy and nutrients that can be directly absorbed by the body, which at that age our digestive organs have started to decrease its function (Health 2001).

Traditional Recipes Honey:

1. Hair loss
People who experience hair loss or baldness can use a mixture of hot olive oil, 1 tablespoon honey and 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder before bath. Apply on the head and let stand for about 15 minutes after it had washed. The study also proved that hushed up an herb for 5 minutes was still effective.

2. Bladder infection
Mix 2 tablespoons of ground cinnamon and 1 teaspoon honey in a glass of water to lukewarm. After that drink. This potion to kill the germs in the bladder.

3. Toothache
Make a mixture of 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder and 5 tablespoons of honey.

4. Cholesterol
Blood cholesterol levels can be lowered to 2 tablespoons honey and 3 teaspoons of cinnamon powder mixed in 16-ounce (16 times of about 28 grams 1 pound = 454 grams) of tea. This herb can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood up to 10 percent in 2 hours. Pure honey taken daily cholesterol lighten disorders.

5. Colds
Light and heavy colds can be cured by honey 1 tablespoon lukewarm and � teaspoon cinnamon powder daily for 3 days. This herb can cure almost all chronic cough and runny nose and sinus cleaning.

6. Infertility
Greek and Ayurvedic Medicine have been using honey for years to strengthen the cement (sperm = semen) of the men. Two tablespoons of honey taken regularly before bed will nourish effect. Female Japan, China and East Asia a difficult pregnancy and want to strengthen the uterus, commonly taking cinnamon powder for centuries ago.
Difficult pregnant women should be applied as often as a spoonful of honey and cinnamon powder on his gums. Cinnamon will mix with saliva and enters the body. There were couples from Maryland does not have an offspring for 14 years and were desperate. When knowing properties of cinnamon and honey, they consume these ingredients. The wife began to conceive and give birth to twins.

7. Stomachache
Honey mixed with cinnamon powder can cure stomach pains. Also able to clean the stomach, and ulcer healing to the roots.

8. Flatulent
Research conducted in India and Japan declared that the honey is taken with cinnamon may reduce flatulence.

9. Breath
A teaspoon of honey and cinnamon powder mixed in hot water can make a fresh breath all day. South Americans used to drink the concoction in the morning.

10. Sinus headache
Drinking a mixture of honey and lemon juice can cure sinus headaches.

11. Fatigue
A recent study showed that the sugar content in honey is more helpful than the expense of the body. The elderly who consume honey and cinnamon powder with an equal measure, proved to be more fit and flexible. Research Dr. Milton proved � tablespoons of honey taken with a glass of water, and sprinkled with cinnamon powder can increase the Vitali-body bag in a week. Potion is drunk every day after brushing my teeth and at 3 pm at the vitality of the body decreases.

12. Cancer
Recent research in Japan and Australia showed that stomach cancer and advanced stage of bone can be cured by honey and cinnamon. Patient enough to drink 1 tablespoon honey with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder for one month 3 times a day.

13. Overweight
Drink a glass of boiled water with honey and cinnamon powder � hours every morning before breakfast or when the stomach is empty. When done regularly can lose weight, even for people who are obese, drink this potion on a regular basis will prevent the fat accumulated in the body, although still eating high-calorie foods.

14. Influenza
Spanish scientists has proved that honey contains natural ingredients that kill bacteria and cure the patient of influenza from the flu. So when will drink cold honey.

15. Acne
Spread 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder on the face before bed. Rinse the next morning with warm water. When done regularly every day for 2 weeks, pimples will heal up by the roots.

16. Skin infection
Take 1 part 1 part honey and cinnamon powder, apply on the skin of the sick.

17. Prevent aging
Tea mixed with honey and cinnamon powder and drink each day can prevent aging. Take 4 spoons of honey, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder and 3 cups of water and boiled like making tea. Drink as much as 4 times a day. This potion makes the skin smooth and fresh and prevent aging. Life expectancy also increases

18. Arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis / Gout)
Take 1 part honey and 2 parts water lukewarm. Add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Combine honey, water is lukewarm and cinnamon. Massage into the affected part gently. The pain will be reduced within 1-2 minutes. Or arthritis sufferers can drink 1 cup hot water with 2 tablespoons honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder every day, morning and night.
If taken regularly, this herb can cure chronic arthritis. Recent research at Copenhagen University uses a mixture of 1 tablespoon honey and � teaspoon of cinnamon powder given to patients before breakfast. The results of the week 73 of the 200 patients treated recovered. Most patients who can not walk or move because of arthritis can walk without pain.

19. Heart disease
Apply honey and cinnamon powder on bread at breakfast time each day. Honey and cinnamon, reduce cholesterol in the arteries, and reduce the risk of heart attack. People who have a heart attack when taking honey and cinnamon each day can avoid second heart attacks.

Consumption of honey and cinnamon on a regular basis can facilitate breathing and strengthen the heartbeat. Wredha nursing (nursing) in the United States and Canada, managed to treat inmates who have problems due to clogged blood vessels, and reduced flexibility because of age, with these ingredients.

For those who rarely drank honey reactions / side effects that generally happen is diarrhea, but this will disappear by itself. Many people who take honey when sick. But is not much cheaper to prevent than cure, especially in conditions of the current financial crisis, amid hospital costs and the growing drug soared.

Source: http://ekoassociate.wordpress.com/
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