


Posted by kurniawan.q

Behind the sharp thorns and humble appearance, the cactus is a plant that is very useful. One was to purify the water, as practiced by the inhabitants of Latin America since ancient times. In ancient times, the indigenous people of Mexico use the decoction of leaves of the cactus to purify dirty river water prior to be processed into drinking...
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Star fruit  

Posted by kurniawan.q in

Who is not familiar with the star fruit? Fruit elliptical with sharp edges of five was already commonly known. Refreshing sweet taste with a distinctive flavor that wakes your taste. So, what benefits can be gleaned from this star fruit.Carambola originated from India or Ceylon (Sri Lanka). Besides in Indonesia, starfruit cultivation is also...
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Usefulness of garlic in addition to expel vampires  

Posted by kurniawan.q in

Maybe all this time we know that garlic is only useful for cooking in the kitchen. Or as a weapon to kill Dracula or a vampire in the movies that have not been clearly in hollywood is true facts and contains many properties of garlic which is very useful for our body.About GarlicGarlic (Allium sativum) is an annual herb that has berumpun...
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Red Spinach and usefulness  

Posted by kurniawan.q in

Many varieties of spinach, green like spinach, spiny amaranth, spinach and spinach red forest. Each has different characteristics and benefits for the body. In addition to attractive appearance, red spinach (Amaranthuus sp) is also rich in essential phytonutrients.Spinach, especially red spinach, known for high iron adds a nutritious blood....
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Dragon fruit and usefulness  

Posted by kurniawan.q in

Dragon fruit has a beneficial properties for human health such as balancing blood sugar levels, protecting oral health, prevention of colon cancer, reduce cholesterol, preventing bleeding and treating complaints whitish.Dragon fruit is usually consumed as fresh fruit as relievers thirst, because the dragon fruits contain high water content...
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