Red Spinach and usefulness
Posted by kurniawan.q in Herbal

Spinach, especially red spinach, known for high iron adds a nutritious blood. In addition, spinach also contains vitamins A, B, C, and C, potassium and phosphorus. In every 100 g of spinach contains 45 kcal, protein 3.5 G, 0.5 g fat, 6.5 g carbohydrate, 267 mg calcium, phosphorus 67 mg, iron 3.9 mg, retinol 1827 mcg, 0:08 thiamine and ascorbic acid 60 mg. Importantly, the spinach contain beta-carotene, lutein, chlorophyll, folic acid and manganese.
Usefulness of any variety of spinach. Among others to overcome anemia, dysentery, ambient, fever, paved the ASI, dilutes phlegm and strengthens the immune liver. Spinach also had to prevent premature aging and cancer preventing antioxidants. Folic acid in spinach is able to combat the causes blood levels of homocysteine in coronary artery disease. While high fiber from spinach can menjegah constipation and digestive disturbance. But keep in mind, never heated spinach. Addition of nutrients to be damaged, besipun substances can be increased and can be harmful to the body.
Function As a Drug
Spinach used to help launch the process of defecation because quite a lot of fiber content. Fibrous foods such as spinach, is good for colon cancer, diabetes, high koleterol and to lose weight. Usefulness of red amaranth, among others:
Can improve kidney and can clean up work after maternity blood.
If you want to improve the kidneys, blood clean up after giving birth then consume the spinach in the vegetable form of nodes.
- Anemia.Wash spinach leaves 2 handfuls of red, mashed until smooth, add 1 tablespoon lemon juice and then strained. Then add 1 tablespoon of honey and egg chicken, stirring until blended. Drink this potion 1 times a day for a week. Further treatment can be done 2 x per week until the disease cured.
- Dysentery. Wash the spinach root of 10 stems of red until clean, then mashed until smooth. Add the tip of a teaspoon of fine salt and stir well then filter. Drink water filters at once.
- SetrongHair Roots. Wash a bunch of fresh spinach, and mashed until smooth. Add a teaspoon of salt stirred tip flat, then squeeze and strain. Then have a drink at the same time, you do so 2 - 3 times a week.