Star fruit  

Posted by kurniawan.q in

Who is not familiar with the star fruit? Fruit elliptical with sharp edges of five was already commonly known. Refreshing sweet taste with a distinctive flavor that wakes your taste. So, what benefits can be gleaned from this star fruit.

Carambola originated from India or Ceylon (Sri Lanka). Besides in Indonesia, starfruit cultivation is also done in the state - in other Southeast Asian countries like Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines. Even the American and Australian sub-tropical climate was already encroached ridley.

Forms a unique fruit with sweet flavor and can be processed into a variety of offerings, starfruit can be divided into 2 types. That tastes sweet to the shape of stars known as sweet starfruit (Averrhoa carambola), while the second kind of vegetable or olive ridley uluh starfruit (Averrhoa bilim) that tastes sour.

Nutritional content

Star fruit has a high nutrient content that is useful for the body. In 100 grams of ripe star fruit contains:

* Energy: 35 cal
* Protein: 50 grams
* Fat: 70 grams
* Carbohydrates: 7.70 grams
* Calcium: 8 mg
* Fiber: 0.90 grams
* Vitamin A: 18 RE
* Vitamin C: 33 Mg
* Niacin: 0.40 grams


Ripe star fruit is famous for its sweet taste is efficacious to relieve a variety of diseases, like diabetes, cholesterol, cough, sore throat and fever. Vitamin C content high enough also believed to be the cure for cancer.

Flowers purple star fruit that is believed efficacious for treating malaria. The leaves are lush efficacious for treating heartburn, paved the urine, hypertension and ulcer disease.

Even the roots of plants can treat rheumatic starfruit. The benefits we can get, in addition to health, tasty and is consumed as fresh fruit can also be used as garden plants.

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