Star fruit  

Posted by kurniawan.q in

Who is not familiar with the star fruit? Fruit elliptical with sharp edges of five was already commonly known. Refreshing sweet taste with a distinctive flavor that wakes your taste. So, what benefits can be gleaned from this star fruit.

Carambola originated from India or Ceylon (Sri Lanka). Besides in Indonesia, starfruit cultivation is also done in the state - in other Southeast Asian countries like Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines. Even the American and Australian sub-tropical climate was already encroached ridley.

Forms a unique fruit with sweet flavor and can be processed into a variety of offerings, starfruit can be divided into 2 types. That tastes sweet to the shape of stars known as sweet starfruit (Averrhoa carambola), while the second kind of vegetable or olive ridley uluh starfruit (Averrhoa bilim) that tastes sour.

Nutritional content

Star fruit has a high nutrient content that is useful for the body. In 100 grams of ripe star fruit contains:

* Energy: 35 cal
* Protein: 50 grams
* Fat: 70 grams
* Carbohydrates: 7.70 grams
* Calcium: 8 mg
* Fiber: 0.90 grams
* Vitamin A: 18 RE
* Vitamin C: 33 Mg
* Niacin: 0.40 grams


Ripe star fruit is famous for its sweet taste is efficacious to relieve a variety of diseases, like diabetes, cholesterol, cough, sore throat and fever. Vitamin C content high enough also believed to be the cure for cancer.

Flowers purple star fruit that is believed efficacious for treating malaria. The leaves are lush efficacious for treating heartburn, paved the urine, hypertension and ulcer disease.

Even the roots of plants can treat rheumatic starfruit. The benefits we can get, in addition to health, tasty and is consumed as fresh fruit can also be used as garden plants.
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Usefulness of garlic in addition to expel vampires  

Posted by kurniawan.q in

Maybe all this time we know that garlic is only useful for cooking in the kitchen. Or as a weapon to kill Dracula or a vampire in the movies that have not been clearly in hollywood is true facts and contains many properties of garlic which is very useful for our body.

About Garlic
Garlic (Allium sativum) is an annual herb that has berumpun height of about 60 cm. This crop widely grown in the fields in the mountainous area gets enough sunlight. Pseudo stems and the stems are green.
fanged bottom, cloves, joining a large white bulb. Each leather wrapped cloves sliced thin and if it smells very sharp. The leaves are shaped ribbon (flat elongated), the edge of the flat, sharp edge, grooved, the length of 60 cm and a width of 1.5 cm. Fibrous roots. The flowers are white, long-stemmed, and shape of an umbrella.

Garlic Classification
Classification of garlic, namely:
Division: spermatophytes
Sub-division: Angiospermae
Class: Monocotyledonae
Nation: Liliales
Tribe: Liliaceae
Marga: Allium
Type: Allium sativum
Common names: garlic

Contents Chemistry and Chemical Properties Garlic
Garlic contains volatile oil, which is anti bacterial and antiseptic. Aliin allicin content and resources related to anti-cholesterol. This power to prevent coronary heart disease, high blood pressure and others. Stem tuber containing substances:
1. Calcium: is calm so it is appropriate for the prevention of hypertension.
2. Saltivine: could accelerate the growth of cells and tissues and stimulates nerve cell structure.
3. Diallysulfide, alilpropil-disulfide: anti-worm.
4. Sulfur
5. Protein
6. Fat
7. Phosphorus
8. Iron
9. Vitamins A, B1 and C.

D. Benefits of Garlic
Garlic can be used for alternative medicine as follows:

a. Garlic Flu and Cough.
Sulfur content contained in garlic makes a distinctive smell and taste can improve and accelerate activities in the mucous membrane of respiratory tract, which helps relieve compression and mucus. Raw Garlic contains phytochemicals that may help kill bacteria and viruses that cause disease. In 1992, researchers from Brigham Young University in Utah reported that the crushed garlic in oil to kill not only kill rhinivirus type 2 (umun causes flu), but also kill the 2 types of herpes (infectious skin disease) and some other common viruses.

How do I use it? Eat as much garlic as soon as you feel sick or add garlic to the dish. You can also make a cough medicine with this recipe: Mash garlic and input into the cold milk in a saucepan, and heat about 1-2 minutes, and drink warm.

b. Garlic and Cholesterol
Now there are more than 12 studies published worldwide that ensure that the garlic in various forms can reduce cholesterol. Therefore, it can be concluded that garlic can cure high blood pressure, heart disease. One study published in "The Journal of The Royal College of Physicians" by Silagy and Neil Haw CS 1994 mentioned that garlic is an agent for reducing fat. Authors state that garlic supplements is an important part in the healing of high cholesterol. According to him, as a whole, with a decline of 12% of the total cholesterol. This decrease occurred after 4 weeks of treatment.

c. Garlic and Cancer
Onions also have content to fight cancer, particularly stomach and colon cancer. Organosulfida contained in garlic help the liver process the toxic chemical compounds, including chemical compounds that cause cancer, some epidemiological studies show that people who consume garlic much lower risk of stomach cancer and large intestine. To ensure that you will get the maximum results, researchers from Penn State Unipersity recommend to let the first piece of onion or a collision for at least 10 minutes, giving time onions were formed contents that help fight cancer.

d. Garlic and Pregnancy
Recent research shows that consume garlic during pregnancy reduces the risk of pregnancy complication pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure protein in the urine). The studies also revealed that garlic also helps raise the body weight than babies who are too small. Research conducted by Dr. D. Sooranna, Ms. J. Hirani and Dr. I Das in the Academic Department of Obsterrics and Gynaecology, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital in London, UK. They concluded that although pre-eclampsia and growth retardation is a complex condition, consuming a standardized garlic tablets throughout pregnancy may reduce the possibilities of complications at birth. They focus on growth retardation in infants and pre-eclampsia, a condition which is very dangerous for the mother and child that occurs in approximately one in ten pregnancies.

Experiments showed that adding extracts of garlic to cells plaasenta the possibility of suffering from those conditions shown to stimulate growth. Furthermore, the activities of important enzymes are reduced in normal pregnancy is not very well give rise to garlic.
e. As a Healer Hemorrhoid
First used to clean the anus and the surrounding area with warm water and soap, apply the juice / some garlic cloves that have been dimemarkan much as 3-5 times of the rectum that has been cleaned up, wait a few minutes ago to clean up.

f. Increase Stamina
Having studied in depth, it turns out garlic can be a source of physical strength and stamina high. While earlier they are rarely sick, suddenly they are easy flu, people - especially people like these that require stamina builder resources contained in garlic. People who are easily tired should increase their stamina by eating a little garlic each day in a long time. How, can we mix in the preparation of our cuisine and swallowed.

g. Controlling Diabetes Symptoms
Diabetes mellitus is a congenital disease characterized by not enough insulin in the body, as a result of excess sugar in the blood and urine, as well as a great hunger and thirst. Sufferers always want to eat sweets, and although he likes to eat sweets and other food, body weight tended to decrease. The main symptoms, decrease body's resistance to germs and bacterial skin disorders as well as reduced sexual desire, intestine and blood vessel disease. Use garlic in your diet wisely is one way to get the most benefit from food eaten thus contributing to good body condition.

E. Effect of Garlic Consumption
From drinking too much garlic makes your breath becomes smelly, to clear we can do the following ways:
1. Drinking strong tea or coffee after mengkonsunsi garlic
2. Eat lemon with skin chewed
3. Keep up with food made from protein, liver, and eggs
4. Using garlic beforehand by boiling or made pickles

In consuming garlic should not be eaten raw, as they may interfere with the stomach. Therefore it is recommended that garlic first boiled, fried, or roasted before eating. But garlic may not be used in any form when there is a disease outbreak in the stomach and large intestine.

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Red Spinach and usefulness  

Posted by kurniawan.q in

Many varieties of spinach, green like spinach, spiny amaranth, spinach and spinach red forest. Each has different characteristics and benefits for the body. In addition to attractive appearance, red spinach (Amaranthuus sp) is also rich in essential phytonutrients.

Spinach, especially red spinach, known for high iron adds a nutritious blood. In addition, spinach also contains vitamins A, B, C, and C, potassium and phosphorus. In every 100 g of spinach contains 45 kcal, protein 3.5 G, 0.5 g fat, 6.5 g carbohydrate, 267 mg calcium, phosphorus 67 mg, iron 3.9 mg, retinol 1827 mcg, 0:08 thiamine and ascorbic acid 60 mg. Importantly, the spinach contain beta-carotene, lutein, chlorophyll, folic acid and manganese.

Usefulness of any variety of spinach. Among others to overcome anemia, dysentery, ambient, fever, paved the ASI, dilutes phlegm and strengthens the immune liver. Spinach also had to prevent premature aging and cancer preventing antioxidants. Folic acid in spinach is able to combat the causes blood levels of homocysteine in coronary artery disease. While high fiber from spinach can menjegah constipation and digestive disturbance. But keep in mind, never heated spinach. Addition of nutrients to be damaged, besipun substances can be increased and can be harmful to the body.
Function As a Drug

Spinach used to help launch the process of defecation because quite a lot of fiber content. Fibrous foods such as spinach, is good for colon cancer, diabetes, high koleterol and to lose weight. Usefulness of red amaranth, among others:

Can improve kidney and can clean up work after maternity blood.
If you want to improve the kidneys, blood clean up after giving birth then consume the spinach in the vegetable form of nodes.

  • Anemia.Wash spinach leaves 2 handfuls of red, mashed until smooth, add 1 tablespoon lemon juice and then strained. Then add 1 tablespoon of honey and egg chicken, stirring until blended. Drink this potion 1 times a day for a week. Further treatment can be done 2 x per week until the disease cured.
  • Dysentery. Wash the spinach root of 10 stems of red until clean, then mashed until smooth. Add the tip of a teaspoon of fine salt and stir well then filter. Drink water filters at once.
  • SetrongHair Roots. Wash a bunch of fresh spinach, and mashed until smooth. Add a teaspoon of salt stirred tip flat, then squeeze and strain. Then have a drink at the same time, you do so 2 - 3 times a week.
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Dragon fruit and usefulness  

Posted by kurniawan.q in

Dragon fruit has a beneficial properties for human health such as balancing blood sugar levels, protecting oral health, prevention of colon cancer, reduce cholesterol, preventing bleeding and treating complaints whitish.

Dragon fruit is usually consumed as fresh fruit as relievers thirst, because the dragon fruits contain high water content of about 90% of the weight of the fruit. It was pretty sweet because they contain sugar content reaches 13-18 briks. Dragon fruit can also be expressed in the form of juice, fruit juice, jam or candied maupu various forms of presentation according to your tastes.

In general, experts agree and acknowledge the dragon fruit is rich in potassium, ferum, protein, fiber, sodium and calcium is good for kesihatan versus other fruits that are imported.

According to Leong from Johncola Pitaya AL Food R & D, an organization that examines the red dragon fruit, cactus fruit is quite rich honey with a variety of vitamins and mineral substances which help increase endurance and beneficial for metabolism in the human body.

"Research shows the red dragon fruit is excellent for the circulatory system, also gives the effect of reducing the emotional pressures and neutralize the toxic in the blood." Research also shows this fruit can prevent colon cancer, in addition to preventing high cholesterol content in blood and lower the fat content in body, "he said.

Overall, each of the red dragon fruit womb protein can increase metabolism and maintain cardiovascular health; fiber (to prevent colon cancer, diabetes and diet); carotene (eye health, strengthen the brain and prevent the entry of disease), calcium (bone strengthening).

Pitaya womb also add iron to the blood, vitamin B1 (preventing fever entity); vitamin B2 (add to taste), vitamin B3 (lower cholesterol) and vitamin C (increase slipperiness, smoothness of skin and prevent acne).

Here is a complete nutrition dragon fruit:

  • Sugar content: 13-18 briks

  • Water: 90%

  • Carbohydrates: 11.5 g

  • Acid: 0.139 g

  • Protein: 0.53 g

  • Fiber: 0.71 g

  • Calcium: 134.5 mg

  • Phosphorus: 8.7 mg

  • Magnesium: 60.4 mg

  • Vitamin C: 9.4 mg
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